| |
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType(ZSI.TC.TypeCode)
- Duration
- Gregorian
- gDate
- gDateTime
- gDay
- gMonth
- gMonthDay
- gTime
- gYear
- gYearMonth
class Duration(ZSI.TC.SimpleType) |
Time duration. |
- Method resolution order:
- Duration
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Methods defined here:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'duration')]
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'duration')
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- tag = None
- typechecks = True
class Gregorian(ZSI.TC.SimpleType) |
Gregorian times. |
- Method resolution order:
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Methods defined here:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = None
- lex_pattern = None
- tag = None
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- type = (None, None)
- typechecks = True
class gDate(Gregorian) |
A date. |
- Method resolution order:
- gDate
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '%(Y)04d-%(M)02d-%(D)02dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'date')]
- tag = 'date'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'date')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gDateTime(Gregorian) |
A date and time. |
- Method resolution order:
- gDateTime
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '%(Y)04d-%(M)02d-%(D)02dT%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02dZ'
- format_ms = '%(Y)04d-%(M)02d-%(D)02dT%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02d.%(ms)03dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'dateTime')]
- tag = 'dateTime'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'dateTime')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gDay(Gregorian) |
A gDay. |
- Method resolution order:
- gDay
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '---%(D)02dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'gDay')]
- tag = 'gDay'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'gDay')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gMonth(Gregorian) |
A gMonth. |
- Method resolution order:
- gMonth
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '---%(M)02dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'gMonth')]
- tag = 'gMonth'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'gMonth')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gMonthDay(Gregorian) |
A gMonthDay. |
- Method resolution order:
- gMonthDay
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '---%(M)02d-%(D)02dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'gMonthDay')]
- tag = 'gMonthDay'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'gMonthDay')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gTime(Gregorian) |
A time. |
- Method resolution order:
- gTime
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02dZ'
- format_ms = '%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02d.%(ms)03dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'time')]
- tag = 'time'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'time')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gYear(Gregorian) |
A date. |
- Method resolution order:
- gYear
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '%(Y)04dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'gYear')]
- tag = 'gYear'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'gYear')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
class gYearMonth(Gregorian) |
A date. |
- Method resolution order:
- gYearMonth
- Gregorian
- ZSI.TC.SimpleType
- ZSI.TC.TypeCode
Data and other attributes defined here:
- format = '%(Y)04d-%(M)02dZ'
- lex_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
- parselist = [(None, 'gYearMonth')]
- tag = 'gYearMonth'
- type = ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'gYearMonth')
Methods inherited from Gregorian:
- get_formatted_content(self, pyobj)
- text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps)
- convert text into typecode specific data.
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- parse(self, elt, ps)
- serialize(self, elt, sw, pyobj, name=None, orig=None, **kw)
- Handles the start and end tags, and attributes. callout
to get_formatted_content to get the textNode value.
elt -- ElementProxy/DOM element
sw -- SoapWriter instance
pyobj -- processed content
KeyWord Parameters:
name -- substitute name, (nspname,name) or name
orig --
- serialize_text_node(self, elt, sw, pyobj)
- Serialize without an element node.
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.SimpleType:
- empty_content = None
- logger = <ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger instance>
Methods inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- SimpleHREF(self, elt, ps, tag)
- Simple HREF for non-string and non-struct and non-array.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
tag --
- __init__(self, pname=None, aname=None, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1, nillable=False, typed=True, unique=True, pyclass=None, attrs_aname='_attrs', **kw)
- Baseclass initialization.
Instance data (and usually keyword arg)
pname -- the parameter name (localname).
nspname -- the namespace for the parameter;
None to ignore the namespace
typed -- output xsi:type attribute
unique -- data item is not aliased (no href/id needed)
minOccurs -- min occurances
maxOccurs -- max occurances
nillable -- is item nillable?
attrs_aname -- This is variable name to dictionary of attributes
encoded -- encoded namespaceURI (specify if use is encoded)
- checkname(self, elt, ps)
- See if the name and type of the "elt" element is what we're
looking for. Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- checktype(self, elt, ps)
- See if the type of the "elt" element is what we're looking for.
Return the element's type.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- get_name(self, name, objid)
- Paramters:
name -- element tag
objid -- ID type, unique id
- get_parse_and_errorlist(self)
- Get the parselist and human-readable version, errorlist is returned,
because it is used in error messages.
- has_attributes(self)
- Return True if Attributes are declared outside
the scope of SOAP ('root', 'id', 'href'), and some
attributes automatically handled (xmlns, xsi:type).
- name_match(self, elt)
- Simple boolean test to see if we match the element name.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
- nilled(self, elt, ps)
- Is the element NIL, and is that okay?
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- parse_attributes(self, elt, ps)
- find all attributes specified in the attribute_typecode_dict in
current element tag, if an attribute is found set it in the
self.attributes dictionary. Default to putting in String.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
- serialize_as_nil(self, elt)
- Parameters:
elt -- the current DOMWrapper element
- set_attribute_href(self, el, objid)
- set href attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_id(self, el, objid)
- set id attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
objid -- ID type, unique id
- set_attribute_xsi_type(self, el, **kw)
- if typed, set the xsi:type attribute
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
- set_attributes(self, el, pyobj)
- Instance data attributes contains a dictionary
of keys (namespaceURI,localName) and attribute values.
These values can be self-describing (typecode), or use
attribute_typecode_dict to determine serialization.
el -- MessageInterface representing the element
pyobj --
- simple_value(self, elt, ps, mixed=False)
- Get the value of the simple content of this element.
elt -- the DOM element being parsed
ps -- the ParsedSoap object.
mixed -- ignore element content, optional text node
Data and other attributes inherited from ZSI.TC.TypeCode:
- attribute_typecode_dict = None
- typechecks = True
| |